The 2002
Will it work and how does it affect
By: Der Hurley MBA, CrFA, CFE
Most large corporations need the investing public to provide them with financing. Their shares are bought and sold in stock markets. The investing public will buy shares they think will bring the highest return. The value or price of a share is determined by how a company is doing at a given moment. Entities produce financial statements to inform the public how they are doing. Companies that offer their shares for sale to the public are mandated by law to hire an external auditing company to independently certify that their financial statements are true.
Will SOX Work?
In the early 1930’s the SEC was created to protect the
After the SEC was founded, two tools have been relied upon to achieve the objective of preventing people like Ponzi from soliciting investment funds from the
Then came Enron and WorldCom. The problem was not only the scale of the debacle. Another major issue was that Enron and WorldCom easily surmounted the principal SEC safeguard - independent assessment of the financial statements by the external auditors. There was a strong perception within
SOX attempts to address the ‘duping/co-opting’ issue through mandating external auditors to limit their services to each client to external auditing or other services but not both. Differently expressed, an external auditing company providing external audit services to a public corporation cannot provide other consulting services to the same client. Through this measure, SOX attempts to limit the commercial relationship between a publicly quoting corporation and its independent external auditors. It limits the commercial relationship but it does not avoid it. A corporation still has to pay an external auditing company to perform the audit. Some would argue that as long as the external auditors continue to have a commercial relationship with the company being audited they could never be truly independent.
Another issue highlighted by the Enron and WorldCom financial statement frauds was that their CEO’s cried ‘I did not know this was going on, I really thought our company was in great shape’. They tried to blame it all, at least initially, on lower-level employees. We all know what any good accountant is likely to say when asked what is two plus two - what would you like it to be is the half joking, half real reply! The moral of the story is that an accountant will declare that two plus two is equal to ten, only when requested to do so by the boss. SOX addresses the ‘no clue what was going on’ syndrome through mandating all CEO´s and CFO´s to sign-off on their quarterly and annual financial statements sent to the SEC. SOX mandates heavy jail time for signing off on falsified financial statements. However, there is no doubt that we will see in the future a CEO claiming the defense ‘I know I signed off on those financial statements but I was told by our financial people everything was okay.’
It is a commonly held belief that the financial statement fraud that occurred in Enron and WorldCom was due to weak internal controls. This is a myth. The internal controls over financial reporting in place in Enron and WorldCom were fine. What occurred at both companies is that top management overrode the internal controls. They put the internal controls to one side and went about their shenanigans. Fraud is more likely to occur in a company with weak internal controls. This statement is true for all frauds other than financial statement fraud. Internal controls over financial reporting will only function well in preventing financial statement fraud if allowed to by top management. The perpetrators of financial statement frauds are in a position to command their subordinates to ignore internal controls. SOX addresses the supposed weak internal control issue by mandating all publicly quoting companies to perform a yearly review of their internal controls over financial reporting. SOX further requires the external auditor’s certification of management’s review. Will this SOX measure be effective in preventing financial statement frauds in the future? As a forensic accountant and fraud examiner I am convinced that it will have little or no affect. I said above that occasionally corporations present financial statements that are a pack of lies. That is not quite true. What I should have said was - the final profit figure they come up with can be a huge lie. What occurred at Enron and WorldCom was that top management decided to manipulate a few accounts in order to come up with the final results they required. It was a bit like asking the accountants one hundred times what is two plus two. Ninety nine times out of the hundred they came up with four as the correct answer. Once in a hundred times they came up with ten as the false answer. Within Enron and WorldCom most of the financial reporting was done correctly. Consequently, the internal controls over financial reporting had to be functioning correctly. That little part of the financial reporting that was falsified and that had such enormous consequences was not a result of poor internal controls. It was a result of top management overriding the adequate internal controls in place in order to manipulate a limited number of accounting entries. With the internal control review mandate, SOX is trying to fix something that isn’t broken. The issue should not be the internal controls over financial reporting. The issue should be corporate governance and top management’s override of internal controls already in place. Apparently, there are thousands of public corporations currently spending millions of dollars in reviewing their internal controls over financial reporting. They are spending further enormous sums in paying their external auditors to review their review.
SOX does attempt to address the corporate governance issue through requiring the external auditors to report to the audit committee rather than top management. This sounds like the audit committee is being given some teeth at last. But who controls the audit committee’s budget? Will the CFO continue to control the cheques going out to the external auditors? In practice, the outside auditors will still have to deal mainly with the finance area for the day-to-day operation of the audit.
Another attempt to address the management override issue is the SOX mandate to all publicly quoting companies to allow their employees the opportunity to access a confidential fraud reporting mechanism. The SOX measure requires the confidential reporting mechanism, also known as a fraud hot-line, to be overseen by the audit committee and not top management. The thinking behind this measure is – would one or more of the lower-level employees at Enron and WorldCom have blown-the-whistle sooner if they had the opportunity? I am convinced they would have. Most accountants resent it when asked by their boss to declare two plus two is equal to ten. Many would jump at the opportunity to report the behaviour confidentially. The eventual whistle-blowers at WorldCom were their own internal auditors. Although they, like their external counterparts, are frequently seen as the enemy the internal auditors at WorldCom were tipped off by a lower-level financial employee. Studies conducted by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners consistently show that fraud hot-lines are the most effective means of discovery of all types of fraud, not just financial statement fraud.
Under current corporate governance practice the chief internal auditor reports to the CFO or CEO. It was a miracle at WorldCom that the internal auditors eventually blew the whistle. The last decades have seen large corporations eliminating or downsizing their internal audit function. The
SOX applies to all Mexican corporations that quote their shares in the
When SOX first appeared some non-U.S. based multinationals immediately cried foul. Many European commentators complained the
SOX mainly addresses financial statement fraud such as that occurred at Enron and WorldCom. However, the TV Azteca case does not involve financial statement fraud at all. It would be better described as a conflict-of-interest fraud. The key points of the case appear to be as follows:
TV Azteca owns some 45% of a telecommunications company called Unefon.
·- Unefon owed some U.S. $325M. to Canadian based communications equipment supplier Nortel.
·- Unefon claims to have financial difficulties and cannot pay Nortel.
·- Nortel finally agrees to accept U.S. $107M. to liquidate the debt.
·-A Unefon now claims it cannot pay the U.S. $107M.
·- TV Azteca president Ricardo Salinas and Unefon president Moises Saba form a
·- Codisco pays Nortel U.S. $107M.
·- Unefon pays Codisco U.S. $325M. for services rendered.
·- Messrs.
No criminal charges have yet to be brought against anyone. The Mexican financial authority the Comisión Nacional Bancaria y Valores (CNBV) is currently investigating. The SEC alleges Mr. Salinas and Mr. Saba defrauded Unefon of some U.S. $218M. Many have asked in